Spas & Hot Tubs


Spas and hot tubs, whether nestled in the ground as a luxurious extension of a swimming pool or standing alone as a portable oasis of relaxation, embody a wide array of designs, sizes, colors, and materials. The distinction between in-ground and portable spas lies not just in their placement but also in their construction materials and requirements for installation. While in-ground spas may be crafted from durable Gunite® as part of a lavish pool setup, portable spas are versatile, self-contained units that simply require a connection to power and a manual water fill.

At Multi-Tech Products, we understand the diverse needs of spa maintenance and repair. Although our repair solutions do not extend to Gunite® surfaces, we offer an extensive portfolio of materials perfectly suited for the restoration of various other spa surfaces. Our array of repair systems, including Quick-Glaze, Granite, and MMA, have been meticulously developed to address a wide range of surface damages such as chips, scratches, cracks, crazing, and blisters, ensuring your spa’s surface is returned to its original glory.

For structural repairs beyond superficial surface issues, we recommend exploring our dedicated structural repair materials and methodologies, each designed to fortify the integrity of your spa. When selecting repair materials, our guidance leans towards choosing the highest quality options available. This includes our specially formulated acrylic filler and the robust K2000 clear topcoat for enduring results. For areas of the spa that remain dry, such as the external rim, our enhanced Poly-Filler offers a cost-effective yet reliable repair solution.

It’s important to note that our repair materials are not suitable for spas made from rotationally molded polyethylene or polypropylene. These materials require different repair strategies due to their unique properties.

With Multi-Tech Products, you’re equipped with the tools and knowledge to maintain the beauty and functionality of your spa or hot tub, ensuring it remains a source of relaxation and enjoyment for years to come. Explore our detailed repair procedures for a comprehensive guide on how to best utilize our products for your specific repair needs.